- City Planners Realize Windfalls for Developers and Oppose Inclusionary Zoning
Alex Schafran - Planning in New York City : Walls that Divide, Bridges that Unite
Tom Angotti - Planning for All New Yorkers: The Campaign for Community-Based Planning
Eve Baron - Olympic Glory or Fool’s Gold?: New Yorkers Boo Stadium & Midtown Plan
Eugene J. Patron - Lower Manhattan after 9/11: Where’s the Planning, Where’s the Money?
Peter Marcuse - Greening New York, One Building at a Time
Bomee Jung - Mapping the Way to Community-Based Planning
- Bush To City: Drop Dead
Jack Newfield
- Another World Is Possible: The World Social Forum in Mumbai
Theresa Williamson - Advocacy in the New Melting Pot: Reports from CA & ME
Pierre Clavel and Neema Kudva - Tierras Públicas y Apropiación Privada
Alejandro Rofman - Book Review: How East New York Became a Ghetto
Review By Lew Lubka